Resumption of training and classes

August 28, 2021

Dear Montreal Kendo Club Members,

I hope you are all healthy during these difficult times. The pandemic situation having improved a lot in Quebec recently, thanks to vaccination and prevention measures, it will soon be possible to resume kendo training at the Monkland community centre. All participants must be able to prove that they are adequately vaccinated against COVID-19 (QR code, VaxiCode app).

  • Until further notice, there will be no class for children at the Monkland Community Center. We are actively looking for another gymnasium for the children’s class. More information will soon be sent to members regarding the date, time and address of the gymnasium for the children’s class.
  • We will start the advanced adult training (in bogu) on Friday, September 10 at 6 p.m.
  • The start date of classes for beginners aged 15 and over will be Monday, September 27 at 6 p.m.
  • Mondays will be reserved for adult beginners only (no bogu practise on Mondays).
  • Members in bogu will be able to practise regularly every Wednesday and Friday at 6 p.m.

Rules to be observed at the Monkland Community Center:

  • First, with regard to the gym, only 25 people will be allowed to use the gym at a time with a respectable distance maintained when possible;
  • All participants must wear a mask;
  • When entering and leaving the building, participants must wear a mask and disinfect their hands;
  • Participants using the Centre space will enter through one door and leave through another;
  • The bathrooms will be open, but with a maximum of 2 people at a time;
  • The changing rooms will remain closed for the moment;
  • All participants registered for an activity at the Monkland Community Center will be required to complete an information/membership form that
  • will ask for their contact details and immunization status;
  • We are currently asking unvaccinated people not to participate at this time, as are older people or people at risk. We hope to ease this restriction by October, but for now, we want to be cautious.

Best regards,
Dominique Boivin
Montreal Kendo Club